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Andrea Sparrey

International Women’s Day

The last two years have challenged all of us.

With so much of our world upended, I took the time to reflect deeply on what matters most to me as a leader. The question what matters most has been at the heart of many MBA applications for years; it’s one that I have helped hundreds of people to answer. This year, I decided to answer the question myself.

My answer was absolutely clear: What matters most to our organization is empowering people; what matters most to me is empowering women. Our best world is one where everyone feels free to contribute and lead. Free to walk down a street without fear. Free to reach for the highest echelons of business and academia without being assaulted or harassed or demeaned. Free to ask questions and free to seek answers. Strong, confident contributors of all genders, sexual identities, races, nationalities, backgrounds and abilities, make for more effective teams.

For years, I have been amazed - truly blown away - by the resilience that many of the women we work with have shown when those freedoms are denied. No matter what they face, these women keep going, keep showing up, keep contributing, and keep leading. I often think about the client who created a database of firms in her industry, thus allowing women to report harassment, and ultimately encouraging dozens of firms to improve their governance. Or the woman who launched her own fund when maternity leave stalled her trajectory at a larger firm. Or the woman in private equity who insisted that her fund interview women in equal numbers to men and hosted ten separate information sessions at banks to attract exceptionally qualified candidates. Or the woman who shared recruiting statistics that led to lots of uncomfortable conversations within her firm, eventually leading to new policies that reshaped results nationwide.

As a woman, and as the mother of girls, and as someone who believes deeply that the future is bright, I am determined to contribute to a world in which women are truly equal at work. This is not just about pay: I want to create a world in which women do not need to give their personal safety a moment’s consideration, a world where when women speak up, they are heard; a world in which their contributions to firm culture are celebrated completely, not taken for granted.

Sparrey Consulting is deeply committed to helping everyone get stronger. When I think about empowering women, I know that this requires work from all genders. We are proud to work with men who understand that empowering women lifts everyone – many of them are actively working to increase diversity on their own teams, promoting equity and inclusion through the choices that they make every day and partnerships that they’ve fostered.

When we believe something is important, we take action. This has led to new events, collaborations, and programs that we believe will make a difference and that we are excited to share with you.

For women starting MBA programs in the fall:

  • Pre-MBA Women’s Weekend: giving exceptional leaders, people accepted to top MBA programs for the fall, a chance to connect before heading to business school

  • Discounted access to our 100 Week Sprint program: reflecting the continued pay differential, our 100 Week Sprint program helping MBA students to maximize the returns on their MBA investment will be $81 (instead of $100) for women in March. Use code IWD2022 at check out.

For experienced female professionals:

  • Women in the Workplace, Driving Change: we are thrilled to be presenting alongside Meredith Moore, and Kathryn Valentine (she/her) on March 16th at 2pm EDT, as we address some of the issues that impact the professional development and personal lives of women leaders and breadwinners.

  • Careers and Kids: we are continuing to build our group coaching program for women going on maternity leave for the first time that we beta tested in 2021. Let us know if you’re interested in joining us for a group with peers expecting at the same time in the months ahead.

Through these and other initiatives, we hope to continue creating opportunities for women to reach their full potential. For that to happen, women must have opportunities their intellects and ambitions deserve – that’s how everyone gets to fill their teams with the best and brightest so that we can all innovate and grow together.

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