Recent College Grads
In college? Getting used to new cities, social networks, and jobs? Want to make sure you are on the right trajectory? Recently graduated?
We have been there, and know starting your career off well can pay off for the next 40+ years. In particular:
Use ProValues™ to prioritize your immediate job choices and to consider your longer-term focus.
Our online project plan can help organize your thoughts, save time, and improve your chance of success.
Our interview tools can help you land that first big opportunity.
Explore deferred admissions programs to top MBA programs, ensuring admissions in 2+ years post college.
Engage with our network of elite business professionals who can help you achieve your goals, and offer opportunities to help others.
Update your resume with the support of our resume review services, streamlining your current and past experience, tailor your resume to specific opportunities, and identify opportunities to communicate a broader range of skills.
1-on-1 coaching with one of our professionals, even for an hour, can provide perspective on where to direct your attention over the next 6-12 months as you establish yourself inside the workplace and in the broader community.

What people say

I am considering 3 jobs and your tool was VERY helpful and more fun and interesting than doing a pro-con list and the results are right-on and will influence my decisions going forward.
ProValues User

I wanted to send you a huge thank you and let you know how much I appreciate all your help/feedback during this process. You provided an enormous amount of guidance which really helped direct my search so THANK YOU for that. I do hope that we can work together again in the future and I've already suggested to a couple of my peers that they check out the services offered by Sparrey Consulting.
Career Client

I give you a lot of credit for helping me discover my path in life. Was just telling the story yesterday to some friends who needed some career advice. Very grateful to have you in my life!
Career Client