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MBA Applicant Case Studies

We are thrilled to work with some of the most driven, hardworking, creative and diverse professionals who have dreams to change the world for the better. Below are a few examples of how we have used our community, expertise, and resources to help clients gain admission to their target schools and later thrive in school and after graduation. 

From Private Equity to Search Fund

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  • Client with traditional banking/PE background engaged SCG 9 months before application deadlines

  • SCG brainstormed ideas to differentiate, and fostered introductions when they were creating a community organization focused on mentoring others.

  • Advised on scaling organization ahead of MBA applications, so they could articulate strong impact to target schools

    • Used impact from this organization and several work accomplishments to gain admission to top-choice school

  • During their MBA, engaged SCG to set goals, and engaged 1-2x per year to hold themselves accountable

From Social Enterprise to Fintech

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  • Client with non-traditional social enterprise background engaged SCG 2-3 weeks before application deadlines

  • SCG helped identify target schools, key themes, and reviewed application materials

    • Gained admission to multiple target schools, including #1 choice

  • During their MBA, engaged SCG to set goals, and engaged 2-3x per year to hold themselves accountable

    • Earned first-choice internship offer, and multiple full-time offers

  • Post-MBA, engaged SCG to negotiate offer at fintech start-up, and used goal-setting and related accountability calls to earn fast-track to senior leadership team

    • Used insights from ProValues on their team to find creative solutions to company-wide cost-cutting initiatives that led to greater protection

From Consulting to Consulting (Healthcare)

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  • Client with traditional consulting background wanted advice on how to differentiate application themes, with limited help on essay reviews – total budget <10 hours

  • SCG helped identify target schools, brainstorm key themes, and supported applicant’s networking with students/alumni at target schools

    • Gained admission to all 3 of their top-10 target schools while staying within their budget

From Private Wealth Management to Sustainability

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  • Client from underrepresented background wanted support applying to eight schools within an accelerated timeline due to upcoming expiry of standardized test scores

  • SCG used ProValues and other diagnostics to prioritize target schools, brainstorm key themes, and reviews of essays

    • Gained admission to four schools, with cumulative scholarship awards totaling over $500,000

From Finance to Venture Capital

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  • Client sought support applying to top-5 schools on a tight budget

  • SCG prioritized review of written materials to ensure client's unique attributes were highlighted to Admissions Committees.

    • Gained admission to one of their top choices while remaining within their budget​

  • During school, used SCG to hold themselves accountable for recruiting efforts targeting venture capital outside of mainstream venture-capital-rich regions​

    • Earned venture capital leadership position in their target city​

  • Engaged SCG during subsequent negotiation with new employer

    • Secured expanded leadership responsibilities and compensation well above the range of fellow MBA graduates from their graduating class. ​



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